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Cheap T1-T4 free tournys decks + demon 1s

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Cheap T1-T4 free tournys decks + demon 1s Empty Cheap T1-T4 free tournys decks + demon 1s

Post by DrEdge Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:35 pm

I decided to write about this deck for those that want to get the tournament badge.

So the deck

The heart of deck
1x Raganash T4
2x Red Dragon T4
2x Red Drake T3
2x Shadowtail Demon (can be replaced by Baanur Cultist T2)

The accelerator
Zarin Boltcaller T4
2x Aanglor Knight
4x Aanglor Squire

The deck can be modified and still perform well - basically things it need to work are 4x squires and 2x Dragon and 2x Drake, rest of the cards can be modified.

+It is not expensive, i think it can be bought for less than 5CC if u buy choose the less expensive options it will still do well and cost less.
+It is flying heavy, but it doesnt fail against marksmans
+It dont have alot of bad draws, it wins constantly - usually 5 1st places in a row and only sometimes you get eliminated Smile.

-CHG stops it completely
-if you get bad draw - 3or more dragons in a row and oponents plays some kind of zap/heal spam you dont have much chances to make comeback
-Adding artis to this deck would be too dangerous, because it contains 4 squires

TIPS: Hero with spells slot isn't bad idea - because you can add antimagic storm, if you have problems with
If u want expensive accelerator use this :
Grymish The Mad T4
5x Red tide Taskmaster
1x Zap
(this is just an opinion if u have those, I tried this because i got it and it also works nice)

Ehm it is just useless now, because free T1-T4 are 4s now and i think i would fail in the paid ones - so there is 1s demon that got me 1s achiev fast

1x Azuba, The Deathlord
2x Red Hatchling T5
2x Blue Summoner T3
1x Cask of Celeb / Sigil of Azuba
1x Zap

It have the blue summon reclaim engine which pwn Smile and mighty azuba and his sigil... (really dont know what to say here, I had it some time ago)


Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-07-17

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